
What sort of historical roots does femdom facesitting have?

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Historical roots for the intimate act of femdom facesitting can be traced as far back as the ritualistic practices in the Ancient Near East, particularly Mesopotamia.

Femdom facesitting is a combination of dominance and pleasure, a defining act of Femdom play where the sub receives sensation and pleasure from the Femdom as well as from her positioning and domination of the sub. The origin of this act could be rooted in the ancient tradition of Temple Prostitution, which played a significant role in fertility cults in many cultures around the world.

In Mesopotamia, special prostitutes known as Bettari were dedicated to goddess Ishtar and made offerings to her. In the earliest forms of this ritual, Bettari were required to perform while in a kneeling position, and the Bettari faced Ishtar as a sign of paying homage to her. From this traditional kneeling, Bettari would transition into the act of facesitting, which was seen as an outward sign of dominance from the hierarchy of deity to priestess.

Additionally, the close physical proximity between Bettari and Ishtar would serve to create a strong connection between the two, with Ishtar transferring energy to Bettari through this intimate act of femdom. This energy was thought to help Bettari become closer to Ishtar and fulfill her duty as her representative.

Scholars are also curious about the role of the ancient prostitute and their standing within society. Well-respected women of court at the time, Bettari were carefully chosen for their beauty, which only increased as time went on. This fact could suggest that the act of femdom facesitting became more intimate and sensual as the Bettari became more connected to the deity through this act.

In many ways, the intimate act of femdom facesitting has a complex history that demonstrates the tradition of goddess worship in Ancient Near East culture. Through the Bettari act and the relationship between the Bettari and Ishtar, the story of femdom facesitting can be traced back and gives insight into similar rituals practiced in Ancient Near East cultures. View now.

What role does the internet play in connecting people who practice Asian Femdom?

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The internet has given asian femdom practitioners a whole new platform for connecting. The world of femdom, like any other, has its own set of social norms and networks, but it is a subculture that remains largely muted due to its taboo nature. As such, the internet has been a much needed resource for people who practice asian femdom to find one another and engage in meaningful connections.

One of the primary ways that asian femdom practitioners are finding each other on the web is through websites, forums, and social media platforms specifically dedicated to the practice. Here, femdom professionals and enthusiasts alike are able to connect and discuss their interests in a safe and nonjudgmental space. It is through these independent communities that practitioners are able to access resources, find potential partners, and even build long-term relationships. Additionally, these online platforms provide great learning opportunities by hosting informational articles and video tutorials, often featuring discussions and interviews with experts from the community.

Another popular way for Asian femdom practitioners to come together is through online chatrooms and video chatrooms. These services allow femdom aficionados to meet and converse with other individuals who share their experiences and interests. Discussions may range from kinky topics, to BDSM advice, to lesson exchanges and skill development. The beauty of technology and the internet enable femdom professionals to connect instantly, regardless of geographical locations.

Of course, there are times when actual physical contact is wanted and needed. In these cases, Asian femdom practitioners are able to turn to meetup groups or lifestyle retreats to connect with one another. Organizations such as submissionXchange or Shibari Retreat do a great job of organizing face-to-face sessions and events that provide participants with an opportunity to not only meet like minded individuals, but also engage in hands-on activities and demonstrations.

In a nutshell, the internet has been a powerful agent of change in the Asian Femdom world. Through the many innovative resources available, and especially through the various social networks, people are now empowered to find potential partners, learn more about the practice, and build meaningful and long-lasting relationships. There is no doubt that the internet has greatly expanded the opportunities and possibilities for Asian Femdom practitioners around the world.

Historical roots for the intimate act of femdom facesitting can be traced as far back as the ritualistic practices in the Ancient Near East, particularly Mesopotamia. Femdom facesitting is a combination of dominance and pleasure, a defining act of Femdom play where the sub receives sensation and pleasure from the Femdom as well as from…

Historical roots for the intimate act of femdom facesitting can be traced as far back as the ritualistic practices in the Ancient Near East, particularly Mesopotamia. Femdom facesitting is a combination of dominance and pleasure, a defining act of Femdom play where the sub receives sensation and pleasure from the Femdom as well as from…

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